2008-06-21 Alamogordo Summer Regional

These pictures came from the 2008 Alamogordo June Regional. They are also my first attempt at using my new camera to photograph rockets. The camera has a 3 frames per second burst mode which makes it a little easier to get something you want in one of the frames...

>>Beware that clicking on an image links to the hi res image that is ~4 Meg in size. <<

This was my first attempt at photographing a rocket launch. I was zoomed in too much so it went from starting to smoke to only seeing the flame / smoke. This was my 'Skinny Stick' on a 54mm J415W.

Here's Tony Jaramillo with his Ketchup and Mustard rocket. I forget what he is flying it on here.

This was my wife's first attempt at using my camera to take pictures. Not bad as she really got zero instructions. Luckily I had left it in burst mode. This rocket itself was my level 3 rocket and has so far survied four M1297 flights and now a K700 flight.

Here's Tony Jaramillo's rocket on a K550.

This was my first attempt at taking a picture of a rocket flying Aerotech's 'Warp 9' propellant. This was my Sacraficial Lamb rocket on an H999. At 1/400 of a second, it still is blurry...

My skinny stick now on a K1100 Blue Thunder.

This is Jay Holcombe's rocket on a J1999 warp 9 motor. If you zoom in on the image at the left, you will see the flame is just starting and the right frame is approximately 1/3 of a second later. Again at 1/400th of a second, the right image is still blurry.